Monday, June 20, 2011

Widespread RNA and DNA Sequence Differences in the Human Transcriptome.

Dear all,

A handful of DNA sequences are not transcribed into their cognate RNA sequences, a finding that could overthrow the 50-year-old central dogma of molecular biology.

To know more about this interesting paper,please find the link attached below.

With regards,


Sunday, April 3, 2011

3 Students Finalists In Biotechnology Research Competition

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Three teens have made it through the first round of one of the most prestigious high school science competitions in the country.
Students Kayla Dowell from Manhattan, Megan Haghnegahdar from Shawnee, and Megan Smith from Lenexa were named finalists today in the Kansas BioGENEius Challenge. They will go on to compete May 5 th for the opportunity to advance to the U.S. National BioGENEius Challenge.
These students, along with four finalists from the Greater Kansas City State Science and Engineering Fair, will present their research May 5th to the KansasBio Board of Directors. Ultimately, only three winners out of the seven finalists will be selected to go on to compete in the U.S. National BioGENEius Challenge in Washington, D.C. in June.
Ten U.S. National finalists will be selected to join students from Canada and Australia to compete in the International BioGENEius Challenge. The U.S. National and International BioGENEius Challenges are competitions for high school students who demonstrate an exemplary understanding of biotechnology through science research projects.
Kayla Dowell, Manhattan, is a junior home schooled at the Germann Hills Christian School. Her project title is Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy to Detect the Anti-malarial Artemisinin In Plant Extracts;
Megan Haghnegahdar, Shawnee, is a senior at Shawnee Mission West High School. Her project title is Impact of fluoroquinolone induced resistance on the intrinsic expression of P-glycoprotein phenotype on corneal epithelial cells; and
Megan Smith, Lenexa, is a junior at Shawnee Mission West High School. Her project title is The Effect of Glucose and Sucrose as Dietary Additives on the Lifespan Of Wild-Type and GAPDH Mutant C. Elegans.
The International BioGENEius Challenge is organized by the Biotechnology Institute, the national organization dedicated to biotechnology education, and sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of sanofi-aventis, a leading global pharmaceutical company, and Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.
At the Local, U.S. National and International competitions, students are evaluated on the quality of their research and display, as well as on their responses to questions relating to their scientific knowledge and potential commercial applications of their research.
“For more than 15 years, the aim of the International BioGENEius Challenge has been to engage, excite and educate students about biotechnology and its immense potential for solving human health, food and environmental problems,” said Tom Wiggans, Chairman of the Board of the Biotechnology Institute. “By highlighting the amazing research of these students, we hope to encourage other students to consider pursuing a career in biotechnology.”
The International BioGENEius Challenge emerged from the Aventis Biotech Challenge and BioGENEius Award, which both owe their beginnings to the first BIO International Convention in 1994. Today, the initiative has grown to national and international prominence.
Sanofi Pasteur has supported the BioGENEius Challenge since its inception. In addition to Sanofi Pasteur and Janssen, additional support for the BioGENEius Challenge is provided by International Sponsors Genentech and Amgen and U.S. National Sponsors Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inspire Pharmaceuticals and Sangamo BioSciences.

Biotechnology vital for rapid agriculture growth

KARACHI: The use of biotechnology approach is vital for rapid agriculture development and healthcare in the country, a leadig scientist of the country said on Friday.

“The potential of biotech crops for the future is enormous,” said Dr M Iqbal Choudhary, Director of the International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi. Droughts, floods, and temperature changes are predicted to become more prevalent and more severe, Choudhary said delivering a lecture at the ICCBS.

“We face the new challenges associated with the climate change, and hence, there will be a need for faster crop improvement programmes,” Choudhary said. There should be a national strategy and plan of action to use this revolutionary science, he said.

Biotech crops already contribute to some of the major challenges facing global society, including: food security and self-sufficiency, sustainability, alleviation of poverty and hunger, help in mitigating some of the challenges associated with climate change and global warming.

Nations are multiplying their agriculture productivity, preventing disease prevalence by universal vaccination, and solving the problem of environmental pollution, Pakistan should also chalk out a national strategy and plan of action to use this revolutionary science for solving preventing problems and for rapid development.

He said that there is a rapid population increase and in view of this Biotech crops can increase productivity and income significantly, and hence, can serve as an engine of rural economic growth that can contribute to the alleviation of poverty for the small and resource-poor farmers.

Dr Iqbal said that several biotech crop tools, including tissue culture, diagnostics, genomic, molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) and biotech crops can be used Choudhary collectively for speeding up the breeding and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cultivable land shrinks in India

The cultivable land in India has shrunk marginally by 0.43% to 182.39 million hectare in last five years.
This is due to shift in area for non-agricultural purposes such as buildings, road and railways among others.
The total agricultural land in 2003-04 was 183.19 million hectares against 182.39 million hectare in 2008-09, a fall of 0.80 million hectare, according to the government data.
Major foodgrains producing states like Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar and Kerala are also witnessing this disturbing trend as it does not augur well for the agriculture sector
In Punjab, "the food basket of the nation", the agricultural land has shrunk by 0.33% to 42.15 lakh hectare in 2008-09 from 42.29 lakh hectare in 2006-07, according to the data.
Similar is the case with West Bengal and Bihar, the major rice producing regions of the country, where area under agricultural land declined by 62,000 hectare and 1000 hectare respectively in 2008-09 as compared to 2006-07.
Among Southern states, Kerala saw a drop in agri land by 24,000 hectare due to this factor during the period.
Interestingly, Gujarat, Odissa and Tripura remained unaffected.
In order to stop conversion of agriculture land for non-agriculture purposes, the government has formulated the National Policy for Farmers and the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy.
The National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy 2007 envisages that projects should be set up on waste land, degraded land or un-irrigated land.
Besides this, the policy has stated that the acquisition of cultivable land for non-agriculture purposes should be kept to the minimum.

Agriculture sector green house emissions decline 3 pct in India

Emissions of harmful green house gases (GHG) from the agriculture sector in India declined 3 per cent in a period of about 13 years to 2007 due to the adoption of advanced farm technologies.
CHG emissions declined from 344.48 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 1994 to 334.41 million tonnes in 2007, according to the government data.
The data has been provided by Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA), a programme that brings together over 120 institutions and over 220 scientists from across the country to undertake scientific assessments of different aspects of climate change.
Agriculture has been seen as producing significant effects on climate change, primarily through the production and release of CHGs like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide and also by altering the earth's land cover, which can change its ability to absorb or reflect heat and light, thus contributing to radiative forcing.
Methane and Nitrous Oxide are the two major GHGs emitted from rice ecosystems due to conventional method of rice cultivation, soil management and crop residue burning.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and different state Agricultural Universities (SAUs) have been evolving technologies to reduce these emissions without compromising the foodgrain production.
These technologies include improved irrigation management, cultivation of aerobic rice, direct-seeded rice and system of rice intensification (SRI) and use of neem coated urea.
Recently, ICAR has initiated a programme "National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture" to strengthen the climate change resilient research in agriculture and allied sectors and demonstrate climate resilient technologies at farmers field.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Adapting biotechnology is a must - Scott

Accra, March 15, GNA - Mr George Scott, Chief Director of the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, on Tuesday said adapting to the use of biotechnology in Ghana and other developing countries 93is a must".

He however cautioned that care must be taken in formulating laws on biotechnology and bio-safety issues since there were risk elements to using biotechnology in food production.

"Ghana is yet to pass a law on bio-safety and biotechnology, the draft law is before parliament," Mr Scott said at the opening of a four-day workshop organized by the Ministry with support from the Economic Commu nity of West African States (ECOWAS) to analyze a draft document.

The document drafted by ECOWAS is to ensure that all 16 member countries apply similar laws on biotechnology and bio-safety issues. Biotechnology involves the use of genes, cells and tissues to manufacture substances including food.

Mr Scott said Ghana did not have all the needed capacity to manage modern biotechnology as in the developed countries hence the need to critically examine the law to suits the country. He said modern biotechnology complemented traditional technologies in effectively addressing food security problems while increasing farmers' income.

"Biotechnology has a role to play in forest regeneration through the supply of large quantities of planting materials," he said and added that it also offered the opportunity for the development and application of rhizobia for nitrogen fixation and mycorriza fungus for enhanced phosphorous availability.

Mr Bougonou Djeri-Alassan, Head of Policies and Regulation of Environment Directorate at the ECOWAS Commission, said the Commission wanted member-countries to be involved in drafting laws that suited their countries and at the same time to be similar to all countries. He said ECOWAS was involved because of the issue of free movement of people and goods and the fact that one country's Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) could easily cross borders to another country.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why India will never see a 2nd Green Revolution

Sreelatha Menon
Forty years ago Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan helped rescue the world from growing famine and a deepening gloom over the future of food supplies. Today, public policy projects itself as pro-farmer but it does it half-heartedly, complains Swaminathan.
M S Swaminathan, member of the National Advisory Council and father of the Green Revolution says the government's allocation for agriculture is insignificant.
Doesn't the Union Budget reflect a new focus on agriculture?
I have got tired of this kind of lip service. In the last budget there was an announcement to encourage 60,000 villages to grow pulses.
But the allocation was so small that each village would have barely got Rs 50,000. Revenue foregone in corporate taxes is Rs 3.75 lakh crore (Rs 3.75 trillion) and you give Rs 300 crore (Rs 3 billion) for a second green revolution. It is all lip service!
You were part of the Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi establishments and were even appointed as the agriculture secretary. What is the difference between the governments then and now?
It was totally different then. The country was under pressure. We were importing 10 million tonnes of wheat and the population was only 450 million.
A number of books then said India would not survive and Indians would die like sheep going to slaughter houses. There was political support and determination to make the country self-sufficient. Now all that is gone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pangasinan farmers await release of Bt eggplant

STA. MARIA, Pangasinan ,Philippines  – Farmers in this eggplant-producing province are eagerly awaiting the release of a genetically modified (GM) Bt-talong now the object of years of studies being done by government researchers.
Kailan po ninyo I-re-release ang Bt-ta-long?” was the common question asked by a number of farmers from this town during a “Farmers’ Field Day” held recently at the farm here of Brig. Gen. (ret.) Marcelo Blande. Main activity during the field day was the harvest of Bt eggplant.
The farm of Blande, one of the strong supporters of biotechnology research in the country, among other sites where multi-location trials are being done to determine, among other things, the resistance of the Bt (Bacillus thuringionsis) or transgenic eggplant against fruit and stem borer (FSB), the most destructive pest attacking eggplants in the Philippines and other parts of Asia.
The other sites are in the University of the Philippines Los Baños-Institute of Plant Breeding (UPLB-IPB) in Los Baños, Laguna; Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (OBSUA) in Pili, Camarines Sur; Visayas State University (VSU) in Baybay City, Leyte; Sta. Barbara, Iloilo; University of Southern Mindanao (USM) in Kabacan, North Cotabato; and UP Mindanao (UP Min) in Davao City.
Same of the experimental plants at UPLB were uprooted by activists belonging to Greenpeace last Feb. 17. The vandals are now facing charges being prepared by the state university against them.
Those in UP Mindanao were also destroyed by anti-GM organism (GMO) intruders from Davao City.
The trials form the penultimate stage of the years-long research on GM eggplant in the Philippines.
Under the four-phased research project, UPLB, in partnership with Cornell University (New York, United States) and Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) in India, is developing an eggplant resistant to fruit and stem borer.
Started in 2006, the project is supported by the Department of Agriculture (DA), International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture-Biotechnology Information Center (SEARCA-BIC), US Agency for International Development (USAID), and Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II.
Initial findings showed that Bt eggplant produces a natural protein that makes it resistant to FSB. Once an FSB caterpillar feeds on Bt eggplant fruits, shoots, and leaves, it stops eating and eventually dies.
The Bt protein affects only the borer and not humans and farm animals.
During the Bt eggplant harvest in Sta. Maria last Feb. 23, the farmers led by Faitan barangay captain Rex Agpawo expressed amazement on the experimental plants’ resistance to FSB, as shown by the absence of borers inside the harvested fruits.
The fruits of the check eggplants planted side by side with the Bt-talong were pockmarked with FSBs.
This prompted the farmers to ask the UPLB researchers when will the transgenic plants be released for commercial production.
Asked how many times the farmers sprayed their eggplants with pesticide, one said “Everyday.” Another volunteered, “Kung minsan po umaga’t hapon.”
After the research, at times disrupted by the vandalistic acts of anti-CMO activists, the government will decide on whether to approve commercial production of the new eggplant depending on the research results.
The project already had gone through the first stage (contained research in laboratories and screenhouses at UPLB-IPB, 2006-2007), second stage (small confined trials, 2007-2009) and the first of the two-season multi-locational trails (Sta. Maria, UPLB-IPB, and CBSUA).
Among those who explained the Bt-talong technology to the farmers during the field day in Sta. Maria were Dr. Emiliana Bernardo, who was also involved in the Bt-corn research project in the country about a decade age; Dr. Lourdes Taylo of UPLB-IPB; and Jennifer Panopio, network coordinator of SEARCA-BIC.
Also present was Rosalio Ellasus, former president of PhilMaize Federation, one of the country’s most successful Bt corn growers and presently municipal councilor of San Jacinto, Pangasinan.
It is to be recalled that anti-CMO activists, oftenly led by Greenpeace, strongly opposed Bt corn when it was yet being studied in the country. At one time, vandals uprooted Bt corn plants in Gen. Santos City (Cotabato).
The government, however, eventually approved the commercial production of Bt corn in 2006. Bt corn is resistant to Asian corn borer, the most destructive pest attacking corn plants in the Philippines and in other parts of Asia.
Today, about half a million hectares, among them in Pangasinan, are planted to Bt corn, making the Philippines among the world’s “biotechnology mega-countries” (these planting GM crops in 50,000 ha or mere).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DIVEIN: a web server to analyze phylogenies, sequence divergence, diversity, and informative sites

DIVEIN is a web interface that performs automated phylogenetic and other analyses of nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Starting with a set of aligned sequences, DIVEIN estimates evolutionary parameters and phylogenetic trees while allowing the user to choose from a variety of evolutionary models; it then reconstructs the consensus (CON), most recent common ancestor (MRCA), and center of tree (COT) sequences. DIVEIN also provides tools for further analyses, including condensing sequence alignments to show only informative sites or private mutations; computing phylogenetic or pairwise divergence from any user-specified sequence (CON, MRCA, COT, or existing sequence from the alignment); computing and outputting all genetic distances in column format; calculating summary statistics of diversity and divergence from pairwise distances; and graphically representing the inferred tree and plots of divergence, diversity, and distance distribution histograms. DIVEIN is available at

Normalization of genomic DNA using duplex-specific nuclease

Irina Shagina1, Ekaterina Bogdanova2, Ilgar Z. Mamedov2, Yury Lebedev2, Sergey Lukyanov2, Dmitry Shagin1,2
1Evrogen JSC, Moscow, Russia and 2Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
BioTechniques 48:455-459 ( June 2010) doi 10.2144/000113422
Keywords: genomic DNA; DSN normalization; duplex-specific nuclease
Supplementary material for this article is available at .An application of duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) normalization technology to whole-genome shotgun sequencing of genomes with a large proportion of repetitive DNA is described. The method uses a thermostable DSN from the Kamchatka crab that specifically hydrolyzes dsDNA. In model experiments on human genomic DNA, we demon- strated that DSN normalization of double-stranded DNA formed during C0t analysis is effective against abundant repetitive sequences with high sequence identity, while retaining highly divergent repeats and coding regions at base-
line levels. Thus, DSN normalization applied to C0t analysis can be used to eliminate evolutionarily young repetitive elements from genomic DNA before sequencing, and should prove invaluable in studies of large eukaryotic genomes,
such as those of higher plants.

Yellow Rust Disease Destroys Wheat Crop in Northern India

A wheat disease called yellow rust has destroyed about 60 percent of wheat plantations in Kathua, located in India's northern Jammu and Kashmir state.

Farmers are worried about the situation, as most of them cannot afford pesticides. They say the government should be of more assistance.

[Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Farmer]:
"The disease ‘yellow rust’ has affected our crops and the demand for our crops dropped and all our efforts were vain. No government officers came to help us nor did anyone else come here to tell us how to deal with the situation."

More than 24,000 acres of wheat are affected by yellow rust, and farmers are facing huge losses.

However, the district agriculture department says it is taking steps to control the situation.

[Charan Singh Bhagat, Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua]:
"Our field functionary is going to every village and to every farmer to educate them and to make them aware of the disease."

Bhagat added the department had started distributing pesticides and spray pumps to farmers at heavily subsidized rates.

The officials blamed heavy, unseasonal rains for the disease.

Delay in GM food may cost India heavily

Thursday, March 10, 2011 08:00 IST
Hasan Mulani, Mumbai

“Everything else can wait, but not agriculture.” This was stated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, in his address to the nation “India’s tryst with destiny.” It’s been over 63 years now, things have changed scruffily.

With as estimated population of over 130 crore (Census 2011 estimation) today – we must google multitude sources and technologies to feed the mammoth population. On the other hand, irregular food prices, inflation, poor output during insufficient or intense rain have shown us that our traditional agriculture methodologies, seeds and equipment are not sufficient to bring food security. Says, Dr Uday Annapure – associate professor – food chemistry, coordinator for food biotechnology at Food Engineering and Technology Department, ICT Mumbai, and vice-president of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) – Mumbai Chapter, “GM food is the only option for us to attain food security in present and future. In recent years the safety and quality of GM foods have been questioned but if consumer confidence and demand are high in scientifically developed countries like the US and China one should not worry about the consequences of GM crops.”

Currently, Dr Annapure is on a US visit, supported by department of science and technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, to study application of Pulsed Electric Field in fruit juice preservation, particularly on grape juice.

According to him, the genetic modification is nothing but a manual cross-breeding which is similar to natural breeding. From over thousand years, many plants had hybridised its seeds with other plants through wind, insects and other mode of DNA transplants. Today, experts are following the same pattern to enhance the food grain production.

Recently, the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), under University of Mumbai has also started new course in food biotechnology. “In the era of genetically modified (GM) foods, food biotechnology offers a plethora of opportunities in biotech agriculture. It is a two-year post-graduate course, supported by DBT, Govt of India. Our current intake capacity for this course is only 10 students who also enjoy fellowship of Rs 8000 per month,” he added.

In the last few years, many renowned scientists like Dr M S Swaminathan, the father of India’s Green Revolution, Arjula R Reddy, co-chairman of the high-power Genetic Engineering Appeals Committee (GEAC), now Genetic Engineering Assessment Committee, C R Bhatia, geneticist and plant breeder, and Dr Clive James, founder and chairman of the International Service for Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) have been regularly asking the government to fasten the GM study, approvals, create awareness about genetically modified foods, and also look at other developing nations’ approach towards GM crops.

Arjula R Reddy said that China had taken one major step forward in the production of Bt rice varieties by becoming the first country to give Bio Safety Approval (BSA) for the development of Bt rice varieties.

Prof. Reddy, a scientist in genetics, said that in a year or two China would be out with disease-and-insect-resistant Bt varieties of rice which would considerably reduce the cost of cultivation and increase productivity. “In India, several companies and research and development institutes were in the process of conducting various tests of Bt rice traits in different laboratories. However, so far, no company has come before the GEAC seeking BSA for Bt rice. India would be left behind in the race if a research and development activity in Bt rice variety is delayed any further,” he added.

In one of the talks Dr Swaminathan said, “People should be given education on genetically modified vegetables like Bt Brinjal. People should understand the difference between genetically modified vegetables and others. We must promote genetic literacy needed for the promotion of genetic foods.”

On climate change and rising need of GM foods, Swaminathan said agriculture witnessed negative growth compared to population growth last year for the first time. “This may be due to floods and drought,” he said, adding the year 2009 witnessed an increase of one degree in average temperature.

C R Bhatia said, “The use of Biotechnology in agriculture has revealed that GM crops help enhance food production and also offer food security and sustainability. Many countries have adopted BT crops and are successful in achieving their food requirement.” Further, international experts are expecting the global population to reach 9.5 billion by 2050.
Speaking on alleviation of the global poverty, Dr James during his trip to India, said, “During 1996-2008, the BT crops have benefited over 13.3 million farmers in which over 90% are poor and small farmers across 25 countries in the world. In the last one decade, the productivity has been increased by 44% in almost all BT users’ countries.” Currently, the leading GM crops users are the US (65 million hectares), Argentina (25 million hectares), Brazil (20 million hectares), India (10 million hectares) and Canada (10 million hectares).

“Today, many African countries are fighting for food and about 10 million out of 35 million population in Kenya are under poverty due to drought and famine. The drastic climatic change in Asian countries, particularly in India, may create a similar situation.

“The basic food grains like rice, wheat, maize, corn and others will not allow us to increase the production unless we use state-of-the-art technology. We are sure that the GM crops will help the country to amplify the production with reduction in cost of production and eco-friendliness,” Dr James added. According to the latest report by ISAAA, India has become the 4th largest user of GM (genetically modified) crops accounting for over 10 million hectares of land under cultivation. India has so far approved only the cultivation of GM cotton in the country.

“At present, the agricultural biotechnology is in its nascent stage. Many countries like Brazil, China and EU have understood the value of GM crops for their present and the future requirement. India has great potential to become the leader and food factory for the world. For instance, China has 20% of the world population but only 6% land for food production, whereas India has over 16% land under cultivation which can help meet food, feed and fiber security for today and tomorrow,” Dr James told F&B News.

Job Dekker has been pioneering 3-D mapping technology since 2002.

Maps help us arrive at our destination quickly and safety, navigating us away from dead-ends and potential risks. But these guides—whether folded-up under our car seats or programmed into our dashboard GPS systems—actually tell us little about the 3-D world. But if those maps are supplemented with snapshots and 3-D architectural models, a clearer picture begins to emerge. The same is true for the human genome.
Ten years after researchers published the first full sequence of the human genome, we still know relatively little about its structure and biology within the cell. Sequencing produces a linear representation of ordered base pairs, but our genomes regulate gene expression in three dimensions.
Genome structure, which plays a significant role in gene expression, factors into a host of human diseases. Dysfunctional genomic expression can lead to disorders such as asthma, diabetes, mental retardation, heart disease, and cancers. Some of these disorders may be caused by dysregulated regulatory genes that could prevent proper functioning of a gene or promote expression of a mutated gene. Techniques to map the topology of the interactome will allow researchers to analyze cell populations and predict events such as disease onset.
“There are things that are far apart in a linear chromosome that like to be in the same 3-D neighborhood,” says Job Dekker, associate professor at University of Massachusetts Medical School. Without tools to understand how and where these gene neighborhoods are constructed, many questions about disease and development remain unanswered.
To find new answers about genome structure and biology, Dekker developed a technique to study the interaction of two loci in 3-D. Now, he and others are busy upgrading the method to take a more comprehensive look at these gene neighborhoods to see how they interact with one another. This information will provide a deeper understanding of gene expression and how it is affected in chromosome-related diseases.
Caught in a genomic web
In 2002, Dekker was thinking about long-distance relationships. He was a post-doctorial fellow in Nancy Kleckner’s lab in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University, and had become smitten with studies demonstrating that genes are regulated by functional elements located far away on the chromosome. Some research even found that genes could be regulated by elements on another chromosome altogether. Dekker wanted to know how these long-distance relationships worked. 
To find out, Dekker needed to know how these elements interacted in the nucleus, not just in the sequence of A, G, C, and T. Instead of extracting and unwinding the DNA for sequencing experiments, Dekker needed a way to hold together two interacting DNA loci from the genome to understand their spatial orientation. “I thought if I can just glue together things that are touching each other and then figure out which two parts are glued together, I can discover which pieces of DNA are important for contact,” recalls Dekker.
Formaldehyde was the answer. When Dekker introduced formaldehyde to the cell nucleus, the DNA strands stuck to each other. It was like capturing the genome in “Spider-Man’s web,” says Erez Lieberman-Aiden, one of Dekker’s collaborators. Restriction enzymes specific to the two targeted loci then digested the chromatin, leaving only the formaldehyde-glued fragments to be ligated. Dekker’s team then used PCR to analyze these ligated DNA fragment pairs to understand the interactions of these two known loci.
Dekker published the method—called chromatin conformation capture (3C)—in Science later that year (1). In that paper, Dekker and colleagues used 3C in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to confirm known features of the nucleus and track changes in the genome structure during cell division. For the first time, researchers had access to a technique that provided them with spatial information about how the genome is organized in the nucleus in 3-D. The paper has been cited more than 400 times, and has provided scientists with a snapshot of how elements at distant locations within the genomic sequence influence each other. It’s because these interacting elements are actually neighbors in the 3-D genome structure.
But the technique does have limitations. For example, to study the interaction between two loci using 3C, researchers need to know the sequence of both sites of interest. It is impossible to investigate how a particular gene interacts with unknown parts of the genome. To address this, Dekker’s team—as well as other researchers—have worked to expand and adapt the original method.
Rolf Ohlsson, professor at the Karolinska Institute’s Department of Microbiology, Tumor, and Cell Biology, developed circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) in 2006. In the 4C approach, the known DNA fragment is first crosslinked to its unknown interaction partners in the genome. Then, the ends of the known DNA fragment are ligated to the ends of the unknown fragment it is crosslinked to. Upon reversal of the crosslinking, this forms a circular piece of DNA. The unknown fragment of this circular DNA can then be PCR-amplified using nested primers located in the surrounding known DNA fragment, and sequenced (2).
Meanwhile, Dekker was working on a high-throughput 3C method—called carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture (5C)—to observe the interactions of multiple loci at a single site. The approach detects multiple interactions with microarray or deep sequencing using multiplex ligation-mediated amplification. 5C enabled the analysis of interactions along the same chromosome and between chromosomes (3).
“Which method you use depends very much on what you’re studying,” says Dekker.
But while researchers could use 3C-related techniques to study particular interactions between neighboring chromatin fibers at high resolutions on the kilobase scale, the field was still missing a technique to study genome-wide interactions.
Looking at the big picture
In 2008, Lieberman-Aiden heard a researcher talk about the several months of work it took to prove that one particular sequence was proximal to another sequence in the 3-D genome structure. There has to be a better way, thought Lieberman-Aiden, who was at the time a candidate in a joint Harvard University–Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D. program in applied mathematics and bioengineering.
“I didn’t know if there was anything to do in this area because folks were already doing high-throughput sequencing, he says, “but it still felt like there could be further improvement.”
So Lieberman-Aiden set out to create a technique to capture large sections of the human genome in 3-D, under the guidance of Dekker and MIT professor of biology Eric Lander. He spent months tinkering with 3C. Much of the process remained the same: the genome was still glued together with formaldehyde, restriction enzymes still digested the chromatin, and the DNA was still ligated.
 But the major difference was that the restriction enzyme was designed to leave a four-base overhang on the 5′ end of the DNA fragments. DNA polymerase was then used to end-fill the 5’ overhang with a biotinylated nucleotide as a label. After the DNA fragments were sheared, streptavidin beads—which have an affinity for biotin—could pull down the biotin-labeled fragments (that is, the formaldehyde-glued pieces that neighbored each other in the 3-D genome) for sequencing analysis.
The technique provides a comprehensive list of all chromatin interactions in the genome, theoretically allowing researchers to piece together a model of the genome structure from these data points. “One picture won’t tell you much, but when you have 30 or 50 million pictures, all of a sudden you can reconstruct how the genome is folded,” says Lieberman-Aiden.
In 2009, Lieberman-Aiden, Dekker, Lander, and their colleagues published a paper in Science that described the technique. Using the so-called Hi-C method, Lieberman-Aiden and his team discovered two intriguing bits of information: the genome is compartmentalized, and the genome is a fractal globule.
The genome is organized into two regions, active chromatin and inactive chromatin. This allows the active chromatin to be easily accessible while the inactive is hidden away. This organization provides an efficient way to determine which parts of the chromosome are active. “I view it like water and oil in motion,” says Dekker. “You can shake it up and you’ll have a more cloudy solution, but you really only have two states: water and oil.”
A fractal globule is the concept that Lieberman-Aiden uses to describe how two meters of DNA is folded into a tight, dense, but unknotted structure. Without knots, the genome can easily unfold, proving access to different genes without expending excess energy untangling or searching for relevant sections. “It explains why if I take a pair of headphones, which is a couple of feet long, and put it in my fairly roomy pocket and then take it out, it’s knotted and hard to use,” he explains. “Whereas, if you take the human genome and compress it into a six micron–wide nucleus, somehow the cell is able to use it.”
Although Hi-C provides a high-throughput view of the genome interactions, it only provides a low-resolution image. Hi-C provides 1-Mb resolution, whereas 3C techniques provide 1-kb resolution or better. 1-Mb resolution does not provide enough detail to be applicable to most 3-D chromatin interaction studies.
But Dekker and Liberman-Aiden are both working to increase the resolution for Hi-C, hoping to publish an improved technique within the next few years. “If we push the resolution for Hi-C, we’ll be able to see which regulatory elements are touching which genes for the whole human genome, or any genome,” says Dekker. “That’s the next thing we should do.”
A different lens
Ohlsson agrees with that goal. And his lab is already busy building a network of chromatin interactions that will provide a high-resolution image of the entire genome. This summer, Ohlsson hopes to publish what will be the first chromosomal interactome. This chromosomal interactome could have a huge impact on disease research, adding a new tool to more thoroughly understand how diseases emerge and how to develop effective treatments. “It will be really mind-blowing,” he says.
But he’s using different means to build his network. All 3C-related techniques currently provide limited views of the genome architecture, Ohlsson points out. 3C focuses only on two loci, and 4C provides an extremely specific perspective. While 5C provides a relatively high resolution for multiple interactions, data analysis requires significant computing power and could drag on for years, making it unfeasible for interactome-mapping applications. And Hi-C is still low resolution.
While a high-resolution Hi-C technique could advance the field, Ohlsson believes hybrid techniques are more promising. His lab is combining different 3C-related methods so that they complement one another. “The field will really explode,” he says, when such hybrids are available, “because [now] there are limitations to the way the techniques work and what you can say about the results. But that’s going to change a lot.”
To build the chromosomal interactome, Ohlsson’s team is developing a hybrid 4C technique. He hopes the hybrid 4C technique will be able to provide a high-throughput high-resolution image of the genome structure without constraining data analysis. This technique could easily identify diseased cells, and specifically, cancer cells. “Our new technique will allow us to walk along the nodes of the interactome. We will be able to look at these cells in very high resolution,” he says. “Once we can identify individual cells, then we can verify whether they are tumor cells.” 

Hi-C images revealed the fractal globule, shown above.

In 2009, Lieberman-Aiden, Dekker, Lander, and their colleagues published a paper in Science that described the technique. Using the so-called Hi-C method, Lieberman-Aiden and his team discovered two intriguing bits of information: the genome is compartmentalized, and the genome is a fractal globule.
The genome is organized into two regions, active chromatin and inactive chromatin. This allows the active chromatin to be easily accessible while the inactive is hidden away. This organization provides an efficient way to determine which parts of the chromosome are active. “I view it like water and oil in motion,” says Dekker. “You can shake it up and you’ll have a more cloudy solution, but you really only have two states: water and oil.”
A fractal globule is the concept that Lieberman-Aiden uses to describe how two meters of DNA is folded into a tight, dense, but unknotted structure. Without knots, the genome can easily unfold, proving access to different genes without expending excess energy untangling or searching for relevant sections. “It explains why if I take a pair of headphones, which is a couple of feet long, and put it in my fairly roomy pocket and then take it out, it’s knotted and hard to use,” he explains. “Whereas, if you take the human genome and compress it into a six micron–wide nucleus, somehow the cell is able to use it.”
Although Hi-C provides a high-throughput view of the genome interactions, it only provides a low-resolution image. Hi-C provides 1-Mb resolution, whereas 3C techniques provide 1-kb resolution or better. 1-Mb resolution does not provide enough detail to be applicable to most 3-D chromatin interaction studies.
But Dekker and Liberman-Aiden are both working to increase the resolution for Hi-C, hoping to publish an improved technique within the next few years. “If we push the resolution for Hi-C, we’ll be able to see which regulatory elements are touching which genes for the whole human genome, or any genome,” says Dekker. “That’s the next thing we should do.”
A different lens
Ohlsson agrees with that goal. And his lab is already busy building a network of chromatin interactions that will provide a high-resolution image of the entire genome. This summer, Ohlsson hopes to publish what will be the first chromosomal interactome. This chromosomal interactome could have a huge impact on disease research, adding a new tool to more thoroughly understand how diseases emerge and how to develop effective treatments. “It will be really mind-blowing,” he says.
But he’s using different means to build his network. All 3C-related techniques currently provide limited views of the genome architecture, Ohlsson points out. 3C focuses only on two loci, and 4C provides an extremely specific perspective. While 5C provides a relatively high resolution for multiple interactions, data analysis requires significant computing power and could drag on for years, making it unfeasible for interactome-mapping applications. And Hi-C is still low resolution.
While a high-resolution Hi-C technique could advance the field, Ohlsson believes hybrid techniques are more promising. His lab is combining different 3C-related methods so that they complement one another. “The field will really explode,” he says, when such hybrids are available, “because [now] there are limitations to the way the techniques work and what you can say about the results. But that’s going to change a lot.”
To build the chromosomal interactome, Ohlsson’s team is developing a hybrid 4C technique. He hopes the hybrid 4C technique will be able to provide a high-throughput high-resolution image of the genome structure without constraining data analysis. This technique could easily identify diseased cells, and specifically, cancer cells. “Our new technique will allow us to walk along the nodes of the interactome. We will be able to look at these cells in very high resolution,” he says. “Once we can identify individual cells, then we can verify whether they are tumor cells.”

Ohlsson is working to create a comprehensive interactome map, like the one shown above.
The ultimate goal is to map the 3-D genome of individual patients, providing doctors with more information to prevent disease and create personalized treatments. “In terms of clinical application, it’s going to come,” says Ohlsson. “It must come, but we’re still some distance away.”


Study Finds Primates Age Gracefully

Chimpanzees, gorillas and other primate, including humans, share similar aging rates and mortality gender gap.
March 10, 2011

A new study says chimps, gorillas and other primates grow old gracefully much like humans. The findings come from the first-ever multi-species comparison of primate aging patterns reported in the March 11 issue of Science.
It was long thought that humans, who have relatively long life spans, age more slowly than other animals. But new research funded by the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology suggests the pace of human aging may not be so unique after all.
We had good reason to think human aging was unique, said co-author Anne Bronikowski of Iowa State University. Humans, for example, live longer than many animals with some exceptions--parrots, seabirds, clams and tortoises. But humans are the longest-lived primates.
"Humans live for many more years past our reproductive prime," Bronikowski said. "If we were like other mammals, we would start dying fairly rapidly after we reach mid-life. But we don't."
Bronikowski is one of 11 biologists and anthropologists whose research figured into the study.
"There's been this argument in the scientific literature for a long time that human aging was unique, but we didn't have data on aging in wild primates besides chimps until recently," said another co-author Susan Alberts, a Duke University biologist.
The researchers combined data from long-term studies of seven species of wild primates: capuchin monkeys from Costa Rica, muriqui monkeys from Brazil, baboons and blue monkeys from Kenya, chimpanzees from Tanzania, gorillas from Rwanda, and sifaka lemurs from Madagascar.
The work focused on the risk of dying. When researchers compared human aging rates--measured as the rate at which mortality risk increases with age--to similar data for nearly 3,000 individual monkeys, apes, and lemurs. The human data fell neatly within the primate continuum.
"Human patterns are not strikingly different, even though wild primates experience sources of mortality from which humans may be protected," the authors write in Science.
The results also confirm a pattern observed in humans and elsewhere in the animal kingdom: as males age, they die sooner than their female counterparts. In primates, the mortality gap between males and females is narrowest for the species with the least amount of male-male aggression--a monkey called the muriqui--the researchers report.
"Muriquis are the only species in our sample in which males do not compete overtly with one another for access to mates," said co-author Karen Strier, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin who has studied muriquis since 1982. The results suggest the reason why males of other species die faster than females may be the stress and strain of competition, the authors say.
Modern medicine is helping humans live longer than ever before, the researchers note. "Yet we still don't know what governs maximum life span," Alberts said. She is also the associate director of the NSF-funded National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, N.C.
"Some human studies suggest we might be able to live a lot longer than we do now," she said. "Looking to other primates to understand where we are and aren't flexible in our aging will help answer that question."
NSF's Directorate for Biological Sciences supports Bronikowski research, along with the research of Alberts, William Morris and Anne Pusey of Duke University. Anthropological Sciences at NSF supports the work of Strier; Jeanne Altmann, Princeton University and Marina Cords, Columbia University, whose primate research also contributed to the study.
Three other researchers, Diane Brockman, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Linda Fedigan, University of Calgary and Tara Stoinski, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International and Zoo Atlanta receive funding from other sources.

Nanotechnology in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries

Bionanotechnology is moving forward rapidly. It will enhance our understanding of biology and how biological systems work and is already helping resolve some of the pharma and biotech industries' significant problems. Dr Mike Fisher of the UK's Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN) gives an overview of its potential. October 2008.
In 1959, American physicist Richard Feynman made a speech at CalTech, where he stated that ‘the principles of physics... do not speak against the possibility of manoeuvring things atom by atom’ when discussing his vision of ‘a billion tiny factories, which are manufacturing simultaneously’ [1]. This is widely acknowledged as the first reference to nanotechnology.
Put simply nanotechnology is the technology of manipulating materials, devices, or systems at the nanometer scale. The term therefore does not apply to a particular industry sector, but can be applied across many. Nanotechnology can be applied to diverse areas from cosmetics to computing and from textiles to targeted drugs.
Currently the biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries are facing pressures to decrease their expenditures as the total cost of getting a biologic drug to market has spiralled to over $1.2 billion, according to Tufts Centre for the Study of Drug Discovery [2]. Companies are therefore looking to improve the discovery and development processes and gain more information about a new molecular entity (NME) to allow go/no go decisions to be made about a drug much earlier in the development stages.
Nanotechnology has started to come to the fore over the past few years as our knowledge and scientific capabilities have allowed manipulations at the nanolevel. Although, according to Frost & Sullivan[3] only a small proportion (less than 5%) of global government’s research funding in nanotechnology has been applied to pharmaceuticals and healthcare, with the majority in chemicals and semiconductors.
That being said, there are numerous applications where nanotechnology is being applied to challenges within the biotech and pharmaceuticals industry, and in many cases industry is utilising technologies that fall into the nanotech definition, without them classifying the work as nanotech. This makes an accurate estimate of the extent of nanotechnology usage within the bio & pharma industry difficult to calculate.
A further issue is that this field is new and much of the work is blue-skies research and the applications being predicted are as good as people’s imaginations allow them to be. For example, will UC Berkley’s development of a bio-friendly nanowire light source lead to the development of cellular endoscopy? Possibly, but we are still far from achieving this. Distilling out areas where nanotechnology can make a practical difference for drug development companies now, can be difficult.

Driving the development

As healthcare improves, the world’s population is aging. The proportion of retirees in comparison to the economically active is growing. This is leading to increased downward pressure on spending in healthcare services. In addition, the cost of developing a drug is increasing. This is causing significant pressures within industry to gain savings wherever possible. The use of nanotechnology can help bring product discovery and development costs down by improving efficiency and decreasing the risk of product failure.
The major areas where nanotechnology can address problems in bio & pharma developments are listed and discussed below.

Drug discovery/screening

Nanotechnology has enhanced the drug discovery process, through miniaturization, automation, speed and reliability of assays. An additional benefit being seen is the decrease in the amounts of expensive reagents through integration of microfluidics with lab-on-a-chip systems.
Numerous systems have been developed over the past few years that apply micro and nanotechnology (MNT) to detect ligand interactions. For example, microcantilevers have been used as a label free way of directly measuring binding kinetics of drug candidates. Atomic Force Microscopy has also been demonstrated to have the ability to map ligand receptor binding on the surface of live cells. Here a functionalised AFM cantilever, combined with a confocal microscope is used to correlate images obtained by light microscopy with the presence or absence of receptor-ligand interaction. This can either reveal where functional receptors are present in correlation with an image of GFP-tagged receptors, or it can be used to examine the downstream reactions of a cell to topical application of just a few ligands.

Drug delivery & formulation

A significant challenge in drug development is delivering the drug to the right place in the body for it to be effective. The ideal situation would be to target a drug to the very cells that are diseased and to not affect those that are healthy. In practice, many systemically delivered drugs distribute throughout the body, often causing side effects. Often drugs can be potent in vitro, but ineffective in vivo due to an inability to reach the affected tissue or cells – for example crossing the blood brain barrier is a particular issue.
Nanotechnology can be applied to drug formulation and delivery systems in order to increase the delivery efficiency, or target certain tissues or cells. Nano carriers such as solid lipid particles, albumin, or polymer-based systems are being developed to aid drug delivery.
An example of a non-targeted nanocarrier is Abraxane (paclitaxel protein-bound particles for injectable suspension). The active ingredient, paclitaxel is a cancer chemotherapeutic originally delivered suspended in a non-ionic surfactant (Cremophor EL). This surfactant often leads to hypersensitivity reactions. By binding the drug to albumin nanoparticles, Abraxane demonstrated a doubling of the response rate (as compared to paclitaxel) in clinical trials and is approved by the FDA for sale in the US.


As technology advances, nanochips and nano arrays are becoming increasingly robust and accurate. By integrating these arrays with portable instruments capable of detecting ligand binding, etc on these chips, lab-on-a-chip systems can be produced, providing inexpensive point of care tests. Improvements in lateral flow, and robustness of the systems being created are allowing the development of diagnostic devices for use outside of specialist clinical biochemistry laboratories. The driving forces in the development of these systems are accuracy, speed and simplicity as diagnosis moves from centralised labs to the doctor’s surgery.
These systems have diverse applications, from cardiac risk assessment to bioterror agent detection, and hold promise for the use of stratified medicines, where genetic or other markers segment patients more likely to respond. Ultimately this will lead to supporting fully personalised medicine, delivered in the doctor’s clinic.


The application of nanotechnology in imaging is allowing greater resolution and accuracy. The technology is paving the way for the future of stratified medicine. Using imaging techniques, doctors may one day be able to tailor individual therapies to the very molecules that distinguish a patient's cancer from other cancer types. For example ‘quantum dots’ with proteins attached to the surface are being developed. These dots can bind to certain receptors on cells, for example in tumour cells. The quantum dots then allow high resolution imaging of exactly where these cells are in the body, allowing surgical removal and increasing the chances that tumour cells are not missed during the procedure and decreasing the chance of relapse.


The field of bionanotechnology is moving forward rapidly. There is no doubt that it will enhance our understanding of biology and how biological systems work. Nanotechnology is helping resolve some of the pharma and biotech industries' significant problems. It has already enabled new formulations for drugs that are commercially available, and there are a number of drugs in the R&D pipeline or that are in the regulatory approval stage.
In the future, nanotechnology will enhance the drug discovery process, through miniaturization, automation, speed and reliability of assays. It will also allow greater selection of the right drug for the right patient and enable the tests to support this decision process to be done in the doctor’s clinic.
Dr Mike Fisher, Theme Manager — Bionano & Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN).
1. Feynman, R. (1959) There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom. Engineering & Science. February 1960.
2. Tufts CSDD Outlook 2008. Accessed 28 August 2008.
3. Safinia, L., (2008), Nanotechnology: Roadmap to Early Diagnosis of Disease. Frost & Sullivan. Accessed 26 August 2008.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Organic Crops Alone Can't Feed the World A new study shows why.

The Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that the global population will increase by 2.3 billion between now and 2050. This demographic explosion, intensified by an emerging middle class in China and India, will require the world's farmers to grow at least 70 percent more food than we now produce. Making matters worse, there's precious little arable land left (PDF) for agricultural expansion. Barring a radical rejection of the Western diet, skyrocketing demand for food will have to be met by increasing production on pre-existing acreage. No matter how effectively we streamline access to existing food supplies, 90 percent of the additional calories required by midcentury will have to come through higher yields per acre.
How this will happen is one of the more contentious issues in agriculture. A particularly vocal group insists that we can avoid a 21st- century Malthusian crisis by transitioning wholesale to organic production—growing food without synthetic chemicals in accordance with the environmentally beneficial principles of agro-ecology. As recently as last September the Rodale Institute, an organization dedicated to the promotion of organic farming, reiterated this precept in no uncertain terms. "Organic farming," it declared, "is the only way to feed the world."
This is an exciting claim. Organic agriculture, after all, is the only approach to growing food that places primary emphasis on enhancing soil health. But is the assertion accurate? Can we actually feed the world with organic agriculture?
New research undertaken by Dr. Steve Savage, an agricultural scientist and plant pathologist, indicates that it's unlikely. In 2008 the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service conducted the first comprehensive survey of certified organic agriculture. The study—which had a 90 percent participation rate among U.S. organic farmers who responded to the 2007 Census of Agriculture—recorded acreage, yield, and value for dozens of crops on more than 14,500 farms, in all 50 states.

Indian expert on new climate change panel

Rita Sharma, Secretary of India's National Advisory Council (NAC), has been appointed to a new commission on climate change to be chaired by Britain's chief scientific adviser Sir John Beddington.
The new Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change, has been set up by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research's Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security program (CCAFS).
Sharma is among 13 members of the commission which, in the next 10 months, will seek to build global consensus on a clear set of policy actions aimed at influencing negotiations to help global agriculture adapt to climate change, achieve food security, and reduce poverty and greenhouse gas emissions, a release by CGIAR said.
The Commission brings together senior natural and social scientists working in agriculture, climate, food and nutrition, economics, and natural resources from Australia, Brazil, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, France, Kenya, India, Mexico, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the US and Vietnam.

DNA methylation: Functional complexity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome regulation.

II SEMINAR: BT 751(0+1)
Name: Mahantesha Naika B.N. Date: 12/03/2011
ID No: PAK 9058 Time: 9:30 AM
CLASS: II Ph.D, Plant Biotechnology Venue: Seminar hall

DNA methylation: Functional complexity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome regulation.

The intricate and precise regulation of gene expression in space and time is fundamental for normal development in all organisms. The spatial and temporal orchestration of gene expression trajectories is primarily controlled genetically by specific DNA sequences including cis- and trans-acting elements. However, increasing evidence suggests that many aspects of development also involve epigenetic regulations. That is, the mitotically and/or meiotically inheritable yet reversible changes in gene expression without a change in DNA sequence are intimately associated with plant development. Cytosine-5 methylation is a prominent epigenetic modification, which is established and maintained by multiple, interacting cellular machineries (Meishan et al.,2010).

The phenotype of a cell is primarily determined by its expression profile and its response to environmental cues. Epigenetics provides stability and diversity to the cellular phenotype through chromatin marks that affect local transcriptional potential and that are preserved or regenerated during cell division. Methylation of DNA cytosine residues at the carbon 5 position (5meC) is a common epigenetic mark in many eukaryotes and is often found in the sequence context CpG or CpHpG (H = A, T, C). When located at gene promoters, DNA methylation is usually a repressive mark. However, CpG DNA methylation is increased in the gene bodies of actively transcribed genes in plants and mammals. Plant CpHpG methylation is found in non-expressed transposons. Bacteria and Archaea also have 5meC, along with N-4-methylcytosine and N-6-methyladenine, and these modified bases participate in restriction–modification systems and mismatch repair strand discrimination, among other roles. DNA methylation is laid down by dedicated DNA methyltransferases with highly conserved catalytic motifs. In eukaryotes, usually only a subset of potential target sequences in the genome are methylated, therefore the distribution of methyl marks can convey epigenetic information by demarcating regions of transcriptional silence or transcriptional potential. The delineation of regional DNA methylation patterns, and broader DNA methylation profiles, has important implications for understanding why certain regions of the genome can be expressed in specific developmental contexts and how epigenetic changes might enable aberrant expression patterns and disease (Peter, 2010).

Cytosine methylation is important for transposon silencing and epigenetic regulation of endogenous genes, although the extent to which this DNA modification functions to regulate the genome is still unknown. Here they reported the first comprehensive DNA methylation map of an entire genome, at 35 base pair resolution, using the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model. They find that pericentromeric heterochromatin, repetitive sequences, and regions producing small interfering RNAs are heavily methylated. Unexpectedly, over one-third of expressed genes contain methylation within transcribed regions, whereas only 5% of genes show methylation within promoter regions. Interestingly, genes methylated in transcribed regions are highly expressed and constitutively active, whereas promoter-methylated genes show a greater degree of tissue specific expression. Whole-genome tiling-array transcriptional profiling of DNA methyltransferase null mutants identified hundreds of genes and intergenic noncoding RNAs with altered expression levels, many of which may be epigenetically controlled by DNA methylation ( Zhang et al.,2006).
Plants and animals use similar mechanistic strategies for controlling DNA methylation.Both use small-RNA based pathways to target DNA methylation to transposons,both require methyl-DNA-binding proteins to maintain DNA methylation patterns,and both show intimate connections between histones and DNA methylation marks.

MEISHAN ZHANG., JOSPHERT N., KIMATU KEZHANG XU., BAO LIU (2010), DNA cytosine methylation in plant development. J. of Genetics and Genomic. 37:1-12.
PETER W. LAIRD., 2010, Principles and challenges of genome wide DNA methylation analysis. Nature Rev. Genet. , 11: 191-203.
XIAOYU ZHANG., JUNSHI YAZAKI., AMBIKA SUNDARESAN., SHAWN COKUS., SIMON W.L., CHAN., HUAMING CHEN.,IAN R. HENDERSON., PAUL SHINN.,MATTEO PELLEGRINI.,STEVE E., JACOBSEN.,AND JOSEPH R. ECKER., 2006,Genome-wide High-Resolution Mapping and Functional Analysis of DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis. Cell., 126:1189–1201.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

India imports 1.61 mn tonnes of pulses in Apr-Oct 2010-11

India imported 1.61 million tonnes of pulses worth Rs 4,542.29 crore in the first seven months of this fiscal, Parliament was informed today. 
The country had imported 3.51 million tonnes of pulses worth Rs 9,813.37 crore in the corresponding period of the 2009-10 fiscal, Food Minister K V Thomas said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha."During 2010-11, during April-October, a quantity of 1.61 million tonnes of pulses has been imported at a value of Rs 4,542.29 crore," he added.
Thomas pointed out that although the estimated production of pulses for the current year is higher than the last year, it still falls short of the estimated demand, which would necessitate imports.   
According to second advance estimates released by the Agriculture Ministry last month, pulses output is expected to increase by 16.51 million tonnes in the 2010-11 crop year from 14.66 million tonnes in the previous year.
Domestic demand is pegged at 18-19 million tonnes during the crop year.  
"To the extent domestic availability meets larger proportion of demand, the share of import requirement to that extent will be lower," Thomas said when asked whether pulses imports would be lower in view of the bumper harvest. 
Since India annually imports about 15 per cent of its pulses requirements, he said global prices would have an impact on domestic prices, as the country is the largest consumer and importer in the world.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS),Bangalore.India.

The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) was conceived and established by the vision and initiative of the late Mr. J. R. D. Tata.
He sought to create an institution which would conduct advanced research in multidisciplinary areas, and also serve as a forum that will bring together administrators and managers from industry and government, leaders in public affairs, eminent individuals in different walks of life, and the academic community in the natural & social sciences, and the arts & humanities.
Dr. Raja Ramanna, as the Founder Director, immensely contributed to the growth and development of this Institute . Over a period of time, NIAS initiated several research programmes and other activities that brought recognition and fame.
In subsequent years, Dr. Roddam Narasimha and Dr. K. Kasturirangan became the Directors of NIAS. Presently Dr. V. S. Ramamurthy is the Director.